International Quarter Pony Association
A Worldwide Registry for Stock-Type Ponies, Regardless of Color.
A Worldwide Registry for Stock-Type Ponies, Regardless of Color.
2024 World Champion
Owned and Exhibited by Heidi Gardiner
2022 Gelding, 14 Hands
Champion Trail
Reserve Champion Sport Pony
Reserve Champion Western
4th Place Halter
6th Place Cow Pony
6th Place Equitation
Participation: English
Lifetime Titles
Superior Registry - Western
Registry of Honor - Equitation
Registry of Honor - Halter
Registry of Honor - Trail
Registry of Merit - Sport Pony
Honorary Champion
Versatility Champion
Superior Champion
2024 Reserve World Champion
Owned and Exhibited by Audrey Pancake
2007 Mare, 14.1 Hands
Reserve Champion Trail
3rd Place Halter
4th Place Equitation
5th Place Sport Pony
6th Place Western
7th Place English
Participation: Gymkhana
Lifetime Titles
Superior Registry - Equitation
Superior Registry - Halter
Registry of Honor - Trail
Registry of Honor - Western
Honorary Champion
Superior Champion
One Deadly Babe
2014 Mare, 14 Hands
Bred, Owned and Exhibited by Andrea Wawrowski
Supreme Champion is very difficult to earn, only four ponies have ever done it! This Title requires the pony to earn five Superior Titles in five different events, One must be in Halter.
"Bella was born on our farm in May of 2014. I bred my favorite mare to have Bella. When she was born she was so small, for her first turnout my husband picked her up and carried her outside because she wouldn't step off of the concrete aisle. And while I bred for a horse and got a pony - I wouldn't change her for the world.
"As a young pony she excelled in trail showing, occasionally being a little too nosey on the course for her own good. We honestly can't go past an open trash can without her sticking her head in it. Bella was trained for western pleasure and finally at 6 years old I allowed her to begin training at the lope. Since her mother doesn't canter due to an old injury this was quite a journey for us both! Bella took it in stride and we learned to lope together. Sometimes it was a disaster! Bella was patient with me as I learned. We have grown together in our riding and are still working to fine tune things so we can be a an even better team in the future.
"Finding we didn't quite fit in at quarter horse events, I found International Quarter Pony in 2022 and began my show journey with their organization. Riding primarily western, IQPA pushed me to try new things in their shows and we have now tried English and even crossrails. We've has some ups and downs but it has been the best adventure with my little red pony." ~ Andrea Wawrowski
Congratulations, Bella and Andrea!
2023 World Placing - 3rd
Champion English
Champion Trail
Reserve Champion Western
4th Place Cow Pony
4th Place Equitation
8th Place Halter
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Honor - Halter
Superior Registry - English
Superior Registry - Equitation
Superior Registry - Trail
Superior Registry - Western
Honorary Champion
Versatility Champion
Superior Champion
2023 World Placing - 4th
Reserve Champion Cow Pony
3rd in Western
4th in Sport Pony
5th in English
6th in Halter
9th in Trail
10th in Gymkhana
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Honor - Cow Pony (2020)
Registry of Merit - English
Registry of Honor - Halter
Registry of Honor - Trail (2022)
Superior Registry - Western (2021)
Honorary Champion
Versatility Champion
Superior Champion
2023 World Placing - 5th
Champion Gymkhana
3rd in Cow Pony
6th in Western
9th in Equitation
Lifetime Titles
Superior Registry - Cow Pony (2021)
Registry of Merit - English (2020)
Registry of Honor - Equitation
Superior Registry - Gymkhana (2021)
Registry of Honor - Trail (2022)
Superior Registry - Western
2023 World Placing - 6th
Champion Sport Pony
3rd in English
8th in Gymkhana
8th in Western
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Merit - English
Registry of Merit - Equitation
Registry of Merit - Sport Pony
Registry of Merit - Western
2023 World Placing - 7th
Champion Equitation
7th in Halter
5th in English
Lifetime Titles
Superior Registry - English (2021)
Superior Registry - Equitation (2016)
Superior Registry - Halter (2018)
Registry of Honor - Trail (2021)
Registry of Merit - Western (2017)
2023 World Placing - 8th
3rd in Sport Pony
5th in Trail
7th in Gymkhana
9th in Halter
10th in English
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Merit - English (2022)
Registry of Honor - Equitation
Registry of Honor - Trail
Registry of Merit - Sport Pony (2022)
Superior Registry - Halter
Honorary Champion (2022)
Versatility Champion (2022)
Superior Champion
2023 World Placing - 9th
Reserve Champion - Sport Pony
4th Place - Gymkhana
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Merit - Cow Pony (2022)
Registry of Honor - Equitation (2022)
Registry of Honor - Halter (2022
Registry of Merit - Sport Pony
Registry of Honor - Western (2022)
2023 World Placing - 10th
3rd in Halter
7th in Equitation
7th in Trail
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Honor - Equitation
Registry of Honor - Halter
2023 Awards
Trail - 6th
Western - 7th
Equitation - 8th
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Merit - English
Superior Registry - Equitation
Registry of Merit - Trail
Registry of Merit - Western
2023 Awards
Equitation - 4th
Sport Pony - 6th
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Merit - English
2023 Awards
Sport Pony - 5th
Halter - 6th
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Merit - Equitation
Registry of Honor - Halter
2023 Awards
Halter - 5th
Equitation - 6th
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Honor - Equitation
Registry of Honor - Halter
2023 Awards
Western - 5th
English - 8th
Equitation - 10th
Halter - 10th
Lifetime Titles
Superior Registry - English
Registry of Honor - Equitation
Superior Registry - Halter
Superior Registry - Western
Honorary Champion
Superior Champion
2023 Awards
Cow Pony - Champion
Lifetime Titles
Supreme Champion - 2019
2023 Awards
Gymkhana - Reserve Champion
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Honor - Gymkhana
2023 Awards
Gymkhana - 6th
Western - 9th
2023 Awards
Trail - 4th
Lifetime Titles
Registry of Honor - Trail
2023 Awards
Equitation - 5th
Lifetime Titles
Supreme Champion 2022
2023 Awards
English - 7th
Sport Pony - 9th
Lifetime Titles
Supreme Champion 2022
2023 Awards
English - 7th
Sport Pony - 9th
Lifetime Titles
Supreme Champion 2022
An International Registry for Stock-Type ponies regardless of color. Based on the traditional American Quarter Horse ranch conformation.
Ponies can earn Points and Titles throughout their lifetime. IQPA values diversity - a well rounded, usable pony. Categories to earn points include: English, Western, Sport Pony, Cow Pony, Driving, Gymkhana, Equitation and Halter.
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